Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower
/Map of Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower Hike, Little Shepherd Trail, Pine Mountain
Elevation Profile of Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower Hike
Overview. This long abandoned lookout tower is a nice piece of history and a great place to explore along the Little Shepherd Trail. Some folks constructed a ladder to the first platform, but the boards are badly rotted and climbing this is at minimum foolish. Enjoy the views from below, as big views are available north at KY-2010 or across the road at Goss Park.
GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 36.925011, -83.224372
Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower | 36.926901, -83.224320
Trailhead. Parking is available across the street at Goss Park with the trailhead moving uphill on the west side of Little Shepherd Trail. [map]
Trail navigation.
Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower Trailhead (right)
Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower
Makeshift ladder at Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower
Rotted boards on the first landing at Putney (Beschman) Lookout Tower