Creech Overlook at Kingdom Come State Park
/Standing at 2,760’, Creech Overlook, Kingdom Come State Park
Overview. This is the northernmost of the walk-out overlooks at the park and has a great feel to it. Expansive views from north to west-southwest make this a great spot to watch summertime sunsets over Eastern Kentucky. It’s also a great stop for backpackers hiking the Little Shepherd Trail.
Map of Kingdom Come State Park
GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 37.001327, -82.969405
Creech Overlook | 37.001444, -82.969597
Trailhead. Plenty of parking is available at the trailhead along the Little Shepherd Trail - a narrow land and a half road. [map]
CAUTION - Cliffs. Be safe and stay behind the railing.
CAUTION - Poisonous snakes. Timber rattlesnakes and copperheads can be found in the region. Stay alert on the trail, as snakes are commonly found taking in the warmth of the trail. Give them a wide berth or wait for them to move off the trail.
CAUTION - Bears. Black bears can be found throughout the Pine Mountain region. Be sure to follow bear aware practices. [Be Bear Aware by US Forest Service]
Full 180-degree views from Creech Overlook, Kingdom Come State Park