Powder Mill Branch Arch, Wolf Pen Arch, and Blackburn Rock Out and Back

Overview. I LOVE this hike! Cross Indian Creek, visit a pair of unique arches, and enjoy one of the best overlooks in Red River Gorge with plenty of elevation gain along the way. Be sure to pack a lunch to enjoy the massive views at Blackburn Rock!

Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 6.5 miles
Overall Difficulty | Moderate
the section to Blackburn Rock is unmarked, but easily navigated

GPS Waypoints
Indian Creek Road Trailhead | 37.868667, -83.675714
Indian Creek Crossing | 37.867906, -83.675933
Turn to Powder Mill Branch & Wolf Pen Arch | 37.865644, -83.686136
Powder Mill Branch & Wolf Pen Arch | 37.867075, -83.685272
Hatton Ridge Road Trailhead | 37.878186, -83.694692
Blackburn Rock Trailhead | 37.876383, -83.695994
Blackburn Rock | 37.879725, -83.702233

Trailhead. Limited parking is available roadside with enough room for 2-3 vehicles and alternate parking just south for another couple vehicles. [map]

Trail navigation. The opening section is well defined, moving south through three established campsites along Indian Creek. Cross the creek at the third campsite (note, these are technically illegal, as they sit directly on the trail) and pick-up the trail moving uphill steeply. Follow the white diamond blazes as you move above Powder Mill Branch. Crossover a number of small drainages before reaching the unmarked spur to Powder Mill Branch and Wolf Pen Arches. This spur is easily identified with a well traveled trail moving north just before reaching the wider stream bed. Hike uphill and crossover the stream and Powder Mill Branch Arch will come into view. Continue under the arch and look right to find Wolf Pen Arch. Retrace your steps back to the main trail and turn right (northwest) to continue toward Blackburn Rock. Finish the marked trail and reach Hatton Ridge Road. Turn left (south) to follow the road and keep your eyes to the right to find a large grassy area. The trail is somewhat obscured by the grasses during growing season, but it is well defined. Turn right from the road, move past the open grassy area, and find the wide, unmarked trail to Blackburn Rock. Reach the overlook and note there is a large crack with a 50+ foot drop if you fall. Crossover if you care to or just skip it. Retrace your steps to return to your vehicle - left onto Hatton Ridge Road, right onto Powder Mill Trail, and then across the creek to the parking area.

CAUTION - Cliffs. Be careful to avoid getting too close the edge of cliffs. This hike may not be suitable for younger children.

CAUTION - Poisonous snakes. Timber rattlesnakes and copperheads can be found in the region. Stay alert on the trail, as snakes are commonly found taking in the warmth of the trail. Give them a wide berth or wait for them to move off the trail.

CAUTION - Bears. Black bears are growing in number throughout Daniel Boone National Forest. Be sure to follow bear safety precautions. [Be Bear Aware by US Forest Service]