Raven's Rock and Knife Ridge Out and Back at Kingdom Come State Park
/Map of Raven’s Rock and Knife Ridge Out and Back Hike, Kingdom Come State Park
Elevation profile of Raven’s Rock and Knife Ridge Out and Back Hike, Kingdom Come State Park
Overview. Exposed rock, big views, and the gorgeous southwest running Knife Ridge highlight this short hike. At the right time of year, the finest sunset view at the park might be along the Knife Ridge - a sliver of sandstone framed by trees with an opening to the south-southwest.
Map of Kingdom Come State Park
GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 36.997596, -82.985219
Raven’s Rock | 36.994817, -82.984699
Raven’s Rock and Ivy Trail Intersect | 36.994131, -82.987446
Knife Ridge | 36.993436, -82.987350
Trailhead. Limited parking is available at the Halcomb Overlook/Possum Trailhead. [map]
Trail navigation. Begin at the Possum Trailhead along the ridge across from the powerline (Halcomb) overlook. Descend a bit before reaching the trail intersection with Raven’s Rock Trail. Turn left and move around the rock outcropping before turning right to reach the large slab of sandstone that is Raven’s Rock. Take your time here enjoying the views before retracing your steps and moving straight past the intersection with Possum Trail. Continue and make a left to further explore the other side of Raven’s Rock. Return to the main trail and make your way across the rock - descending/ascending as you please - before crossing over Powerline Trail back into the forest. Reach the intersection with Ivy Trail and turn left to descend
CAUTION - Cliffs. Be safe and stay behind the railing.
CAUTION - Poisonous snakes. Timber rattlesnakes and copperheads can be found in the region. Stay alert on the trail, as snakes are commonly found taking in the warmth of the trail. Give them a wide berth or wait for them to move off the trail.
CAUTION - Bears. Black bears can be found throughout the Pine Mountain region. Be sure to follow bear aware practices. [Be Bear Aware by US Forest Service]
Possum trailhead at Kingdom Come State Park
Looking south at Raven’s Rock, Kingdom Come State Park
Raven’s Rock and Ivy Trail intersection at Kingdom Come State Park
Knife Ridge at Kingdom Come State Park