D Boone Hut, Military Wall, and Left Flank
/Map of D Boon Hut, Military Wall, and Left Flank Hike
Elevation Profile of D Boon Hut, Military Wall, and Left Flank Hike
Overview. This was a terrific wintertime hike with zero hikers on the trails but plenty of climbers making their way up Military Wall. It made for a quiet, scenic, and entertaining couple hours in the Gorge. It was fun watching the climbers and D Boon Hut sits under one of the largest rock shelters in the region.
Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 4 miles
Overall Difficulty | Moderate
USDA Forest Service Map of Red River Gorge Area
Trailhead. This hike begins at the south end of Gray’s Arch Picnic Area. You’ll see a trail only a couple steps off Tunnel Ridge Road. [map]
Trail navigation. Begin on D Boon Hut Trail and follow it out to the hut that rests under one of the largest rock shelters in Red River Gorge. There is one intersection on your way, stay left to follow the trail. Continue until reaching the intersection with Rough Trail and descend toward Martin’s Fork. Turn left to find Military Wall and follow it up the hill and along the massive rock wall. Retrace your steps to Rough Trail and make your way to Left Flank that you already passed. Continue out and back while taking in another massive rock face. After returning to Rough Trail, follow it uphill past the intersection of D Boon Hut Trail until you reach Gray’s Arch Trail. Along Rough Trail, there is a decent overlook that’s worth taking a minute to enjoy. Turn right onto Gray’s Arch Trail to return to the parking lot.
CAUTION - Cliffs. Be careful to avoid getting too close the edge of cliffs, as this is the leading cause of serious injury and death when hiking in Red River Gorge.
CAUTION - Poisonous snakes. While the gorge is within the range of timber rattlesnakes, copperheads are the most common poisonous snake encountered. Stay alert on the trail, as snakes are commonly found taking in the warmth of the trail. Give them a wide berth or wait for them to move off the trail.
CAUTION - Bears. Black bears are growing in number throughout Daniel Boone National Forest. Be sure to follow bear safety precautions. [Be Bear Aware by US Forest Service]